Crit's Creatures Game Rules
What is Crit's Creatures?
Crit’s Creatures is a fun and engaging strategy game for all ages! You play with ten miniatures, your creatures/items, on a 10” by 30” inch tile board, the battleground. These creatures battle until the opponents King is dethroned. If you can stop your opponent from reaching their crown and creating a new King after three turns, then you win! You can do this by defeating your opponents King in battle or knocking off their King’s crown. But be careful! Even if you dethrone the King, your opponent can make a new one if they can get one of their Royal creatures to where their crown fell!
How to Play
Your turn is broken up into two main phases. First is the move phase and second is the attack phase. You can move up to 5 creatures per turn, but you may only attack with 1 creature per turn. So choose wisely!
1. To move your creature, look at its card. Its move is shown as M:#. Example: If a creatures card said M:3 then that creature can move 3 tiles in any direction per turn when you are next to an opponent you can then attack them. Be aware, all diagonal movement counts as two (2) spaces, instead of one (1).
2. To attack, look at your creature’s card: it will show a number and then D4, D6, D10, D12, D20 or NA (No Attack). Directly left of the dice you attack with is how many dice you use when attacking. Example: if you see (2)D6 you roll two(2) 6-sided die and add them together for your total attack roll.
3. Creatures also have a defense die, which is used to block damage from attacks. A creature’s defensive dice are the same as its attack dice, unless specified otherwise by the card. When one creature is attacked by another, they must roll their defense die to try and stop the damage. If the attacking creature rolls higher than the defending creature, the defending creature is defeated. But, if the defending creature rolls equal to or higher than the attacking creature’s roll, then they may counter-attack the attacking creature using their full attack die. The creature being counter-attacked uses their full defense. You can only counter attack once per turn.
Example: You attack with (2)D6 and roll an 8. Your opponent rolls for defense and only gets 5. Since you rolled higher than their defense, you defeat their creature! But, if your opponent had rolled an 8 or higher for their defensive roll, then they would get to counter attack you using their creature.
Titans are very strong, but you can only bring one with you to battle. These are your generals, so you will want to pick one that best helps your army. Titans move and attack like a normal creature but are not considered creatures and cannot be affected by “creature effects”. Instead, Titans have “Titan effects” which affect every kind of creature, as well as other Titans. When a Titan dies it is removed from the game.
Creatures are placed on the battlefield behind the red-line at the beginning of the game. There are many different kinds of creatures such as undead, slime, plant, mutant, etc. Creatures can use items in the game, but only items that match their creature type. An undead creature cannot use an item designed for a slime creature. When a creature dies place it in your graveyard.
Creature Effects
These are common effects you will see on creature cards.
1. Def:- Def is short for Defense so if a creature has Def:(1)D20 you would block with 1 20 sided die.
2. Split Second- This creature/item dose not come into play at the start of the game but instead can be put into play at any time.
2. Root- If a creature did not move this turn it has a higher block.
4. Poison- If this creature dies kill that creatures killer.
5. Sacrifice- Destroy one of your creatures.
6. Kill- Destroy one of your opponent’s creatures.
7. Necro- Bring a creature from you graveyard to the battlefield.
8. Unlimited- You can have any number of that creatures
Items are placed on the battlefield behind the red-line at the beginning of the game. Items cannot be moved after they are first placed on the battleground. Items are not invincible! Each on has a defense number (Def. #) to show how hard that item is to break. For example, any attacking creature trying to destroy an item with “Def. 10” would need to roll 10 or higher on its attack roll to destroy that item. If they roll lower than 10, then no damage is done to the item. Creatures may only attack unequipped items on the battle field. They may not attack an item another creature is holding.
Equip Items
Items that are placed directly on to a creature are equip-items. Too equip an item, the creature needs to have the ability to become King. So creatures with an “X” cannot use equip items! All equipment must be placed upon eligible creatures at the beginning of the game, before any combat. To equip and item place that item on that creature card.
If an equipped creature is defeated, it drops the item it was holding on to the tile were it was defeated. Both you and your opponent have the ability to pick up a dropped item, even if the item was not that player’s. Equipped items cannot be destroyed while equipped to a creature but can be after they are dropped.
Picking your King
Before the first round of play, each Player chooses a King. To do this, each player chooses one of their creatures who’s card has a crown symbol on it. These creatures are considered Royal. Only Royal creatures can wear the crown and become King! A creature with an “X” on their card cannot be King since they are not Royal.
Players may also switch Kings. To do so, have the current King drop their crown on any square adjacent to them. Leave the crown on the battlefield. Then, move any potential Royal creature to the tile where the crown is to make them King!
Tip: Your King is one of the most important pieces in the game. If your King is defeated and cannot be replaced in three (3) turns you lose the game! So it stands to reason you will want to pick a strong king that’s both fast and powerful. It is also important to defend your king well keeping potential replacements nearby and strong worriers close in case of an attack!
Starting a Game
1. Pick 1 Titan, 10 creatures, and 5 items that you plan to bring with you to battle.
2. Pick your king.
3. Place your titan, king, creatures, and items on the battleground behind the red starting line.
4. Roll a 20 sided dice to determine who goes first: the higher number wins.
5. If a creature or item has Split Second, it only exists for a certain number of turns, or it has an ability that must meet certain requirements to play it. Keep Split Second item cards off of the game bored until you choose to put them into play.
Basic Rules
1. If you roll a 20 with a 20 sided die you can attack/block with an extra (1)D10.
2. If two creatures or item affects would counter each other out, then the attacking creature’s affect is negated, but the defending creature’s affects are still active.
3. An opponent can look at any creature cards or item cards that any other opponent is using in battle.
4. You need both the creature’s game piece and card to use that creature or item in a game.
5. You cannot attack creatures or items with ranged attacks that are behind other creatures or items.
6. You may activate creature or item effects at any time.
7. If a creature or items card has a star in the bottom right corner next to its rarity you can only have one in your army.
Advanced Rules
1. Card rules supersede advanced rules
2. You can only attack once per turn
3. You can only move 5 creatures per turn
4. If a creature’s card has an “X” on it then you cannot be King or equip items.
5. You can only have 3 of any creature or item in your army.
6. You cannot re-roll dice.
7. If you have no King for 3 consecutive turns you lose the game.
8. You can only have 1 Titan in your army per game.
9. If you attack with more than one die you can pick different targets for each die, but you must declare the targets you are attacking before you roll any dice.
10. If two of your creatures are surrounding an opponent’s creature, then you may have both of your creatures attack the opponent’s creature. This only applies if the two creatures are standing in front of and behind the defending creature. This affect only applies if the two attackers are standing Front to Back of the defending creature. This does not apply if the attackers are standing Side to Side of the defending creature.
11. If you and your opponent’s attack and defense are tied, then defending player wins and the attack fails.
12. You can only attack a creature directly next to your attacking creature. Creatures cannot attack diagonally.
Crit’s Creatures is a fun and engaging strategy game for all ages! You play with ten miniatures, your creatures/items, on a 10” by 30” inch tile board, the battleground. These creatures battle until the opponents King is dethroned. If you can stop your opponent from reaching their crown and creating a new King after three turns, then you win! You can do this by defeating your opponents King in battle or knocking off their King’s crown. But be careful! Even if you dethrone the King, your opponent can make a new one if they can get one of their Royal creatures to where their crown fell!
How to Play
Your turn is broken up into two main phases. First is the move phase and second is the attack phase. You can move up to 5 creatures per turn, but you may only attack with 1 creature per turn. So choose wisely!
1. To move your creature, look at its card. Its move is shown as M:#. Example: If a creatures card said M:3 then that creature can move 3 tiles in any direction per turn when you are next to an opponent you can then attack them. Be aware, all diagonal movement counts as two (2) spaces, instead of one (1).
2. To attack, look at your creature’s card: it will show a number and then D4, D6, D10, D12, D20 or NA (No Attack). Directly left of the dice you attack with is how many dice you use when attacking. Example: if you see (2)D6 you roll two(2) 6-sided die and add them together for your total attack roll.
3. Creatures also have a defense die, which is used to block damage from attacks. A creature’s defensive dice are the same as its attack dice, unless specified otherwise by the card. When one creature is attacked by another, they must roll their defense die to try and stop the damage. If the attacking creature rolls higher than the defending creature, the defending creature is defeated. But, if the defending creature rolls equal to or higher than the attacking creature’s roll, then they may counter-attack the attacking creature using their full attack die. The creature being counter-attacked uses their full defense. You can only counter attack once per turn.
Example: You attack with (2)D6 and roll an 8. Your opponent rolls for defense and only gets 5. Since you rolled higher than their defense, you defeat their creature! But, if your opponent had rolled an 8 or higher for their defensive roll, then they would get to counter attack you using their creature.
Titans are very strong, but you can only bring one with you to battle. These are your generals, so you will want to pick one that best helps your army. Titans move and attack like a normal creature but are not considered creatures and cannot be affected by “creature effects”. Instead, Titans have “Titan effects” which affect every kind of creature, as well as other Titans. When a Titan dies it is removed from the game.
Creatures are placed on the battlefield behind the red-line at the beginning of the game. There are many different kinds of creatures such as undead, slime, plant, mutant, etc. Creatures can use items in the game, but only items that match their creature type. An undead creature cannot use an item designed for a slime creature. When a creature dies place it in your graveyard.
Creature Effects
These are common effects you will see on creature cards.
1. Def:- Def is short for Defense so if a creature has Def:(1)D20 you would block with 1 20 sided die.
2. Split Second- This creature/item dose not come into play at the start of the game but instead can be put into play at any time.
2. Root- If a creature did not move this turn it has a higher block.
4. Poison- If this creature dies kill that creatures killer.
5. Sacrifice- Destroy one of your creatures.
6. Kill- Destroy one of your opponent’s creatures.
7. Necro- Bring a creature from you graveyard to the battlefield.
8. Unlimited- You can have any number of that creatures
Items are placed on the battlefield behind the red-line at the beginning of the game. Items cannot be moved after they are first placed on the battleground. Items are not invincible! Each on has a defense number (Def. #) to show how hard that item is to break. For example, any attacking creature trying to destroy an item with “Def. 10” would need to roll 10 or higher on its attack roll to destroy that item. If they roll lower than 10, then no damage is done to the item. Creatures may only attack unequipped items on the battle field. They may not attack an item another creature is holding.
Equip Items
Items that are placed directly on to a creature are equip-items. Too equip an item, the creature needs to have the ability to become King. So creatures with an “X” cannot use equip items! All equipment must be placed upon eligible creatures at the beginning of the game, before any combat. To equip and item place that item on that creature card.
If an equipped creature is defeated, it drops the item it was holding on to the tile were it was defeated. Both you and your opponent have the ability to pick up a dropped item, even if the item was not that player’s. Equipped items cannot be destroyed while equipped to a creature but can be after they are dropped.
Picking your King
Before the first round of play, each Player chooses a King. To do this, each player chooses one of their creatures who’s card has a crown symbol on it. These creatures are considered Royal. Only Royal creatures can wear the crown and become King! A creature with an “X” on their card cannot be King since they are not Royal.
Players may also switch Kings. To do so, have the current King drop their crown on any square adjacent to them. Leave the crown on the battlefield. Then, move any potential Royal creature to the tile where the crown is to make them King!
Tip: Your King is one of the most important pieces in the game. If your King is defeated and cannot be replaced in three (3) turns you lose the game! So it stands to reason you will want to pick a strong king that’s both fast and powerful. It is also important to defend your king well keeping potential replacements nearby and strong worriers close in case of an attack!
Starting a Game
1. Pick 1 Titan, 10 creatures, and 5 items that you plan to bring with you to battle.
2. Pick your king.
3. Place your titan, king, creatures, and items on the battleground behind the red starting line.
4. Roll a 20 sided dice to determine who goes first: the higher number wins.
5. If a creature or item has Split Second, it only exists for a certain number of turns, or it has an ability that must meet certain requirements to play it. Keep Split Second item cards off of the game bored until you choose to put them into play.
Basic Rules
1. If you roll a 20 with a 20 sided die you can attack/block with an extra (1)D10.
2. If two creatures or item affects would counter each other out, then the attacking creature’s affect is negated, but the defending creature’s affects are still active.
3. An opponent can look at any creature cards or item cards that any other opponent is using in battle.
4. You need both the creature’s game piece and card to use that creature or item in a game.
5. You cannot attack creatures or items with ranged attacks that are behind other creatures or items.
6. You may activate creature or item effects at any time.
7. If a creature or items card has a star in the bottom right corner next to its rarity you can only have one in your army.
Advanced Rules
1. Card rules supersede advanced rules
2. You can only attack once per turn
3. You can only move 5 creatures per turn
4. If a creature’s card has an “X” on it then you cannot be King or equip items.
5. You can only have 3 of any creature or item in your army.
6. You cannot re-roll dice.
7. If you have no King for 3 consecutive turns you lose the game.
8. You can only have 1 Titan in your army per game.
9. If you attack with more than one die you can pick different targets for each die, but you must declare the targets you are attacking before you roll any dice.
10. If two of your creatures are surrounding an opponent’s creature, then you may have both of your creatures attack the opponent’s creature. This only applies if the two creatures are standing in front of and behind the defending creature. This affect only applies if the two attackers are standing Front to Back of the defending creature. This does not apply if the attackers are standing Side to Side of the defending creature.
11. If you and your opponent’s attack and defense are tied, then defending player wins and the attack fails.
12. You can only attack a creature directly next to your attacking creature. Creatures cannot attack diagonally.